Handbags were initially used by women for carrying around change. Over time, handbags have become a required necessity for both women and men.
With handbags gaining popularity, designers began to introduce different styles of handbags for different occasions.
Clutch bags were invented in this process by a company called ‘H.J. Cave & Sons’. Small in size and strapless, they were ideal for formal gatherings as they gave the holder a ‘classy look’.
Over time, clutch bags have evolved in their design as straps can now be seen on some styles of the clutch bag.  Being light weight & small in size clutches are the safest option for accessorizing without breaking any formal dress codes.
If you want reliable and genuine products, here is a list of the best brands the feature clutch bags: Marie Claire, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Lana Marks, Fendi, Hermes, Lana Marks and Hilde Palladino.