hobo bagA hobo bag is a basic shoulder handbag. As such, this bag represents a perfect balance between functionality and design. You can carry quite a number of things with this bag, but you can also turn heads and earn envious looks for the fashion appeals it adds to your outfit.

So, whether you are looking for a simple elegant hobo bag, or a more conspicuous alternative with as many bells and whistles as you can find, the market has something for you. Basic leather patterns look fantastic on leather hobo bags too.

Tassels, embossed animal prints, and fringes all give these bags a refined touch of class. Studs and other highlights are also popular with these leather bags, and the results are awe-inspiring.

The color choices are also quite broad, and between black on one end and white on the other, you will have plenty of choices to pick from. If you want a leather hobo bag from the who is who of the industry, the brand names worth looking at include Rebecca Minkoff, Mackage, Bottega Veneta, Mulberry, Cole Haan and others.