Messenger bags have been incorporated with various features that make it a versatile accessory. The designs of the bags make them trendy and frequently seen in urban places especially on cyclists. The bag can be shifted easily on one side to access items inside without necessarily having to remove the whole bag. Messenger bags can be used by both genders and has become common for both fashion and functionality.

There are several popular messenger bag brands that you will find on the market that vary in sizes, color and price. Generally here are some common brands that you will likely to find on the market; Bellino, Timbuk2, Travelon, and Laurex to name a few.

The messenger bag is usually carried over the back on one shoulder with a single strap that goes across the chest. The bags are designed with features that enable the user to attach various accessories like the u-lock and phone holster. For comfort, the bag usually comes with stabilizing strap that prevents shifting when riding and adjustable buckles and strap suitable for carrying heavy items. Most of the bags are made with durable synthetic materials that are also waterproof.