quilted leather purseIf you like your leather handbags to look exceptionally fancy, quilted leather handbags is the way to go. The rich texture that typifies these types of handbags makes them compelling choices for lovers of luxurious handbags. Quilts add a level of sophistication that plain leather just can’t match. The personal touch of this form of texturing is also irresistibly unique.

Quilted leather handbags can fit any number of roles. For instance, you can use it to carry your personal items. The sizing is also quite accommodating. Bigger quilted handbags can be used to carry things like books and tablets. So, whether you want a backpack or a clutch, the pleasure of owning a quilted leather bag is something you can still enjoy.

Quilting styles also vary considerably, and that is what makes the quilted bag choices so broad for the shoppers. Leading industry staples include Michael Kors, Chanel, Kate Spade, Vera Bradley and others if you want to get your hands on some of the best quilted bags in the market today.